
Country Victorian and light skinned Aboriginal here and I agree, for the more populated parts of Australia at least. The mainstream is becoming more progressive (the abortion protest laws, domestic violence response, the push back against 18c) but the loony right is becoming loonier and righter.

Well said. This is a contextual ad and the context is being widely misunderstood. This ad is HILARIOUS because the Strine talking, VB swilling bogan One Nation or Aussie Patriot supporter is right into their Aussie lamb and will have to, to quote Darryl Kerrigan, ‘suffer in his jocks.’

These ads are always cringe-worthy, it’s part of the brand.

I’m probably stating the obvious here, but I think it’s important to note the tone of the political conversation in Aus over the last year or so. The last election saw Pauline Hanson, a hate filled, orange haired sack of crap, elected to Federal Parliament. Her platform is ALL ABOUT hating immigrants and Muslim

*waves* Hello fellow Australian!

Yeah it’s a nice ad that has humour to it, honestly the snarky comments from white Americans are making me laugh. There's a great show from Aus, called Gruen or The Gruen Transfer that analyzises Advertsing, with advertisers and let's you know all the evil tricks of the trade used by marketers, it's really good. There

I'm counting down an excruciating day at work and if this headline hadn't told me to roll my eyes and scoff I would have experienced a very pure form of happiness while watching this. I still did, actually.

Situation is very complicated in Australia. I wrote a huge post about why this ad is important to us but i’m still in the GOD DAMN GREYS AFTER 5 YEARS ON JEZEBEL.

This ad is very clever (the Stans made me LOL) and now I want to have lamb for dinner. Just lamb though, not Australian lamb, so I guess the ad still needs some fine tuning?

He is more self-aware than most adult men already. He is gonna be a catch.

Honestly surprised she didn’t, she was that kind of lady. Mind you, other people did plenty of arse-kicking on her behalf. There’s too many to link, but if you google “colleen mccullough obituary” you will get a wide variety of reaction pieces applying the same standards to male authors. My personal favourite is

I still don’t understand how that is supposed to be a bad thing. People creating their own small businesses performing a public service providing quick, cheap, tasty food no matter where you are? I don’t know how I survived before. It's not a threat to me. It's a promise.

Congratulations on making the joke that is simultaneously obvious, inevitable, yet still unfunny.

... Deep-fried gummi bears? Is this a real thing?

Yeah, I’m with you here. I work from home, and have 2 kids, the youngest of whom is 19 months old and currently seems to have a death wish. When I take them out of the house, I need to be able to sprint and climb after him, so workout pants and sneakers fit the bill. Granted, I’m not glammed up with a fully

I’m getting tired of the athleisure mom shaming. Honestly, it’s exhausting. What, exactly, is it ok for moms to wear? Please tell me. I spend all day crawling around on the floor, sweating, wrestling the baby into the stroller for walks, whatever. And I’m sorry that actually the easiest thing to wear for these

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

Anyone who can’t appreciate and grow from the experience of having a neurodivergent child doesn’t deserve them.

Thank you for reminding us of what’s really going on here: that anti-vaxxers would rather risk their child’s life than take the chance of them ‘becoming’ autistic.

Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it