Bianymeansnecessary x
Bianymeansnecessary x
I’m being annoying, but Sunny Coast local means Sunshine Coast in Queensland. It actually says Queensland in the linked article. Sydney is in New South Wales. It’s about a 15 hour drive between them. Again, I’m being annoying. So everyone referenced in this article is up north. Sydney is down the bottom, but not so…
Ugh when will women just STOP existing?! Don’t we realize how much valuable time we are wasting for men by forcing them to not only harass us in actual every day life but now they have to harass us online as well?!
Well, you know, if you’re a woman and you don’t want to be harassed, just don’t go online. Or outside. Or really do anything.
I love the dichotomy of his party boy persona vs. his save-the-earth-we-only-have-one image. I imagine he howled with the boys then was all like “but for real guys, wolves are really endangered.”