the ellimist

I don't know if it counts, but I played Majora's Mask on the 3DS this year. I played it once or twice on the N64 back in the day, but was too young and got too scared to do anything. The moon would eventually crash and make me sad. I'm loving it now as an adult - it's amazing. Better than Ocarina at times. Currently

This morning started off great with the CBB Best Of! Two minutes in, and PFT and Aukerman are already singing the Cantina song. Gotta love it

At least Keith and the Girl didn't win best podcast this year

Haha! I looked up Jenna 30 Rock cause I totally forgot her last name too. I knew her first name was something like Jenna, so Google helped out.

You have a point, but I don't think it was intentionally stereotypical as much as it was intentionally ridiculous.

I think one of the most powerful things about the book are the obvious truths and his re-wording of people being killed as 'having their bodies destroyed'. That made it so much more powerful in my eyes, not sure how it affected others though.

Can you give an example? I thought it was pretty solid, and we don't get to see many gay black men in lead roles or even asian men as love interests on tv, which I was proud of Unbreakable Kimmy for doing.

JUST started listening to Doughboys. Listened to the Gabrus (Outback Steakhouse) episode, which was great. On the Mike Hanford episode now (Chipotle) which is solid as well. Seems interesting so far. I like how much effort Wiger puts into the research.

Ah yes, the first podcast is back!

Wasn't sure if Armen was serious or not, but knowing the reactions that Armen causes on podcasts (mainly Whooch), I could definitely see it being true.

I'm happy for John Oliver and his success…but I'm upset at John Oliver and his success because he took away The Bugle.

Agreed. I was missing his voice from the basketball world. I don't like the NFL too much, so I don't listen to his Monday episodes. His mid-week ones are hit-and-miss depending on the guest. I always listen to the Friday one with Joe House.

I'm on Episode 51, Racist Peruvian Snacks and it's still amazing. I did notice that the episodes are very sporadic in these past few years, but so far, the episodes have been hilarious.

Loving most of the old mainstays (CB!B!, HH, HDTGM, I4H, etc) but recently got into a few more.

I enjoy that many of the complaints for the best of list on the front page is that it's all indie music.

Thought Earl's album was a bit of a letdown. I love Doris, but only like his sophomore effort. Still very good, but I expected more for some reason. Still probably my favorite rapper in the game.

I really enjoyed The Weeknd's album as well. My favorite tracks were probably "Acquainted" and "In the Night". Great album, especially after the KissLand dud

I sometimes buy too many comics for my own good. It was Local Comic Book Store Day this Saturday, so I went to my local shop and picked up a few things that they had on sale. Got a sampler for Hellblazer for 5 bucks, a Variant Issue of Klaus for 4 bucks (with a free Lando #1 as a bonus) and the 2nd volume of Chew.