
Cancel culture strikes again as artistes are forced to censor their video games. /s

A lot of companies have design guidelines for icons when submitting apps to their respective stores/marketplaces (apple app store, play store etc), that explicitly recommend not including your name/text in the icon graphics. One big reason is on smaller form factors (such as switch’s handheld screen) the text can

Fuck that.

What’s wrong with vaginas?

The old icon is perfect for r/dontputyourdickinthat

To be fair, that is probably what the npc's in game are seeing just before they die. 

I prefer icons without logos. the title of the game is right above the icon, you don’t need the logo. the logo just takes up unnecessary space.

It’s not pretentious assuming players will recognize your game by the icon only. That’s the whole point of an icon. I don’t need to read that the red fox icon on my desktop is named firefox to know that this is firefox...

When will these downgrades end?

...and with that you still mean that Spark is the only one that is interesting?

Why is he? For all we know a Golem could have stepped on his foot and he’s in a crap load of pain or maybe a Pidgey kicked up a bunch of sand and what we see isn’t tears but actually eye drops. To have an accurate answer to the question of “Is he crying?” we’d need to ask the artist.

Except that entire archetype is one created by men. The very concept implies, that in order to be an ideal wife, you need to be somewhat “perfect.” Whereas husbands and men are allowed to screw up and be redeemed and loved repeatedly because of deep rooted “boys will be boys” mentality. The entire premise does very

But Zapdos is the best of the legendary bird trio...

“looks like a fuck boy.”

Kotaku, where it will always be mildly acceptable to shit on men because they’ve had it so good I guess, and it’s very popular the whole ‘dumb male’ thing if you watch daytime TV commercials. Rarely is the wife or sister a helpless halfwit, but men, dumb as fuck apparently.

Except the teams weren’t given avatars until way after this joke started.

But, way to make it a gender issue immediately.