
lol to be fair I said -1%... I think that’s under zero.

You and I both know that the odds of him chastising one of his own - on public television - for abusing or killing black people is about -1%. 

This thing has turned into a real shitshow.

Do you feel bad for the whites and Trump supporters who are the DIRECT victims of this fraud.

I’ve had similar experiences since this story broke. Goes to show what they are thinking under the surface.

You’re quoting me? When did I use the word hearsay or texts like you said I did? You’re adding your spin to every comment I make to try and bolster your argument and you talk around the things you can’t answer.

Pure facts. I was just noticing the uptick in all the troll and hateful replies since I posted earlier today. I thought it was just my imagination, but I see it’s not just me. They really are in overdrive now as they swarm these sites with their bullshit. Fake liberals indeed.

You really are triggered, aren’t you?

lol people make statements in person to each other everyday with their mouths. That is literally definition of the word statement. Lawyers will interview other students at the school, their friends and anyone else that knows them to determine if they’ve ever said anything inflammatory before. This is standard practice

Will you give it a rest? I didn’t say anything about texts, you did. Stop reaching.

I think in that case it’s people not wanting to believe horrific stories

You’d be surprised how many well-meaning “liberals” I know that are now questioning if hate crimes are really as bad as everyone says they are because of this stunt. It’s not just the thick-skulled assholes spewing that false flag bullshit.

My point is he should admit what he did. No court case, no lame defense, no wasting more time and resources.

When news of Smollett’s alleged assault broke, there was an outpouring of support from people in all walks of life.

...And sometimes it comes at you at warp speed. This man derailed his entire future in less than a month. I’m predicting that his name will become a verb soon. Much like Google is related to search, Jussie will be related to incredibly stupid ideas or actions.

Jussie, hold this L... You really fucked yourself royally this time.

Yes!! This is much more fitting than to have him in prison for 3 years.

I didn’t say they sent racists texts to each other. I said previous racists statements and actions”. This is the second time you’ve put words in my mouth; I see you make a habit of that.

I didn’t even have an opinion on it. I never posted here - not once - like I usually have with similar stories. There was something about the incident he was describing that didn’t move me to action. I’ve only weighed in after his story went to shit.

true, i’ve seen white rapists get less prison time then that.