
You are correct. Duly noted.

You make a compelling argument. We’ll see how this all plays out after his lawyers get involved.

Very tired. He’s in a massive lie inception at this point and there’s is no way out of it.

And your suggestion is that he should “keep quiet?” You’re kidding me, right?

I’m just as disappointed as you. I don’t deny how hugely he fucked up or the damage he has done to POC and LGBTQ people, I just don’t think this rises to the level of 3 years in prison. I do think he should pay back the city for all the time and resources he wasted.

While I do think the arrest, $100,000 bond and the potential to face 3 years in prison is way overblown, my advice to Jussie now would be to just stop talking. Dude needs to really keep quiet about this entire incident.

Did you and I have a conversation about Jussie Smollett? How do you know my views on that issue? I don’t remember us discussing him ever. Did you stretch before making that reach?

I wonder what this little asshole is going to do when the Post’s lawyers go through the discovery phase and dig up all the previous racists statements and actions (because we just know that those exist) said asshole has been party to. I hope this lawsuit goes up in a flames

ICE is trash!

Talking tough when there’s 3 inches of glass to protect him. As soon as he gets outside “I don’t have a racist bone in my body.”

You clever bastard lol

Happy to oblige.

My guess is that as the shows Executive Producer and the Husband of the show’s creator, it would probably be to complicated to replace him. It is probably cheaper for the network to just cut their loses.

An absolute disaster indeed.

I agree that $160M is a crazy ask, but I don’t think they were getting anywhere near $18M per year at Vice. I guess their point is they needed more coin, and a writing team, to do 160 shows a year (that Vice didn’t want to pay).


Oh, I have never been in a Popeyes

Dude out here looking and acting like a damn fool.

When an artist of this popularity performs, the contract and rider demands are pages long. Everything is covered and if the artist or promoter step outside of what is on paper it can be their ass. Moarhustle is spot on.

I try to like Cuomo, but his show always leaves me with a cheap feeling after having watched it.