Thee Humbler

Wherever you are, I want you to say out loud, “This eight year old should go to juvie/get probation” and then honk your red nose a couple times.

So is punching someone in the dark.

As a Ro Dyelinah it’s all about getting to the beach (hopefully in 30 minutes or less). I hope to drive one of these down to Matunuck some day.

So Canada has a 15 year rule vs the States 25 year rule. Potentially stupid question, but what stops anyone in Canada with an import (that wouldn’t meet the 25 year old rule) from driving the car into the States and keeping it there?

I went to Bridgestone back in 2010 during a road trip. Saw a random Flyers/Preds game and was amazed by the local fans during a regular season game.

You’re projecting your feelings and actions again. It sounds like you’re the one who refuses to engage in direct action. I mean, the root of this conversation was your refusal to question authority and instead to bend to its will. Lack of an argument? You’re right, there is no argument: you’re a cowardly bootlicker.

Call me Pavlov because I found my dog. Every time I use the insult “bootlicker” (actually the 10th time I mentioned it right here) you show right back up.

When purchasing my current vehicle, I went to the closest Honda dealer just to check out an Si. Initially I went in wanting a coupe. I was approached by an employee and told them what exactly I was looking at. When I mentioned I was interested in an Si coupe, my dad—the ultimate ballbuster—goes, “Coupes are for girls!”

ECF: Celtics in 7.

These comments went this deep because you’re such a bootlicker you’re defending a law about heating up a car in your own driveway. I can’t decide if you’re a pathetic adult or a pathetic adult in training.

Go on, keep refusing to question authority and the questionable laws they set up that serve no true purpose (such as the law discussed in this article) and see how that works out. One would assume you can figure out why that doesn’t work but I’m likely giving you too much credit there.

I can’t wait for the Celtics to beat the Cavs.

Ah, the ol’ “I’d explain it to you but I’d rather go the route of hard ad hom because I have absolutely zero defense.” Who’s too stupid to come up with an argument now, sweetheart?

DualShocks are indestructible? They feel as though I could crush them with my hands.

Correction: actual adults don’t get physically or emotionally violent when they play videogames. Some don’t even get mad at all.

Someone’s ashamed that they’re a bootlicker.

It isn’t an argument that you are a bootlicker, it’s a straight up fact with that “the law is the law!” comment you made.

Someone’s projecting.

This coming from the guy who told me where I’m from sucks, that I suck, that I’m a troll, I should eat a dick, and that I’m a noob. Because he can (unsuccessfully) dish it but (expertly) not take it.

On the contrary: I’ve been hanging around Gawker media for years. Sometimes you just can’t seem to find where that key code went. I’m hanging on to this one. Really cute that you’re peacocking about what a Jalopnik vet you are. Oooh! He told me I’m a noob! I can’t chortle enough.