
You can’t have the Five Guys v. In N Out debate without factoring in cost -- In N Out costs HALF what Five Guys does. And Five Guys is not twice as good.

My view on In-N-Out burger is that it’s a good burger for the price. With that bold&italics caveat being critical.

Two people, guilty of a crime, were arrested. Not a big story. What if they had been arrested for another crime? Tax evasion? Hit and run? Driving without a licence? Should the police have waited for a more convenient time to arrest two known criminals?

What does it tell? That we think you are letting good be the enemy of perfect?

when you need a pejorative these days, “white” is right there for you and no one will come after you. its safe.

I know they’re doing it for injury reasons, but why not do this regularly if you have one infielder who is an elite defender and three average guys? Put someone with range and a cannon where the ball is likely to end up. Are the positions all that different?

What’s worse is either the fact that a live display of something millions of people participate in each year gets this reaction from people like you. This is fantasy football you ninny. But hey it worked to keep depictions of sex off the tv so maybe this will somehow end the racism right?

Neither does a fantasy draft, cause it’s not real.

Assuming they are paid hourly and this isn’t in some way more physically/mentally/emotionally stressful than their usual tasks, can someone explain how this is unfair to the workers themselves?

Exactly the responses I expected. It’s truly hilarious that people who preach acceptance are only accepting of viewpoints that exactly align with their own opinion, and if you DARE suggest that maybe there’s an alternate way to look at the world, you’re a horrible racist that should be marginalized and shunned and