
They have anything to do with Peacemaker?

For those of not reading, but curious: Who is the other masked character that shows up on a motorcycle at the end? 

If for no other reason than to see more Sam Rockwell, who can be as captivating as RDJ himself. That dude could dance any movie up a few grades.

Oh god. The spacing of the text on that lighter is driving me nuts. Who gives a famous actor a gift with a typo?

Lotta hating going on here in the comments, but as an amateur artist I can say that redesigning comic costumes is both so much fun and very difficult. Often times, my warm-up drawing exercise is a character costume exploration. Having tried it so many times in my life, I am very impressed with these designs - so much

Fantastic. Thank you. Looks like I need to reread Children’s Crusade. But year, Bendis is a mess sometimes. 

Wasn’t one of the revelations of Disassembled” that Dr. Strange told the rest of the hero community that there is no such thing as “Chaos Magic”? Was that ever retconned or clarified?

This reads to me like the same dumb-ass studio jamming that led to a lot of the mistakes in Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield, where some of the crap they tried to force onto the character to make him “more relatable” fundamentally skewed the character away from its nerdy, outcast, low confidence core. I bet

Let’s not jump the gun here. Just because an alternate universe Quicksilver character appears in the MCU doesn’t mean that that character’s entire universe comes with him to “merge” with the MCU. What’s wrong with cherry picking one character (or two! Deadpool) to come over the MCU, leaving the rest of the Fox X-Men

@$# Gutters”

I’ve been sifting through the comments to find a topic related to your comment. Try to drive and park in lots where these fucking monstrosities are parked is also an issue. They don’t fit in the spots. We should implement the opposite of the handicapped parking spot for these giants: Park in the farthest back of the

Yeah, I’m disturbed in myself as well. 

OOOOOHHHHH yep. SHOULD have said ABY. Darrrrrnit me. 

NERD PENANTRY! Need to correct this inaccuracy: “[...] Molina played Doc Ock in 2004's Spider-Man 2 [...] who then went mad with power thanks to his new technology. Spider-Man ends up having to kill him at the end of the movie to save the city [...]”

His intro keeps describing the film as part of the Marvel universe. He doesn’t seem to understand that Morbius is a B- or C-list Sony-owned Spider-Man offshoot film, not part of the MCU, and fans aren’t as excited for it as they are any Disney-Owned official MCU content.

“Of course Boba Fett is like this. Isn’t this what we always imagined, what we always wanted?” - If LucasFilm/Disney had NOT done so, if they had subverted expectations as you (James) seem to be advocating, there would be far more outrage.

This is a very reasonable comment. I hope you don’t catch flack for it.

NERD PEDANTRY! “In the comics, after the onetime Boy Wonder is brutally murdered by the Joker and Harley Quinn, he’s resurrected as result of Superboy-Prime altering reality.” Unless there is a retcon of which I am unaware, Harley was not part of Jason’s murder. That occurred in 1988's Death in the Family. Harley was

When Miles was first introduced in the Ultimate Comics universe as the successor to that universe’ Peter Parker, did he ever sport the hoodie/jacket/shorts/shoes look that was in the Spider-verse movie? Or was that completely original to the movie?

That is not how in interpreted Fury’s last appearance at the end of Far From Home. <<<SPOILERS!>>>
Basically Telos (a Skrull masquerading as Fury) calls him to admit that shit went south and that everyone is asking “Where the Avengers are. And I don’t know how to respond to that... So we need you come back.” Fury