
Two feedbacks:
1) Part of the reason this movie was successful was BECAUSE critics panned it SO hard before the release that the expectation bar for viewers was SO low. With expectation that low, when it did deliver anything at all (the things you identified: pathetic charm, some fun scenes, a few laughs, acceptable

She said in her apology that she employs something like 270 people. I don’t think people appreciate what being in charge of that many people entails. There is NO way she can know and be friendly to that many staff members. No excuse for any -isms in that work place because she is responsible for work culture (which

This is the kind of trailer that deserved particular inclusion on the list because of the way it influenced basically every trailer thereafter. The BRRAAAAMM sound altered the trajectory of trailers. A separate list of Trailers that Changed Trailers would be a great list to look at. Because the craft has evolved.

That is because he is a truly gifted cinematographer - really good at composition of frame, color, etc and envisioning a shot. He, however, is not a good writer. He lacks critical understanding of his own limits at basic story-telling. He would be better utilized as the executor of someone else’s story. I still think

I know it doesn’t technically count, because it is a manifestation of a being that has many forms. But Cat manifestation of Dream of the Endless from the Sandman: Overtures prequel is a favorite of mine. Not suggesting it needs to be on the list, but I’m giving it an honorable mention.

Thank you for this chart!

Pitch: You have a character who can change people’s faces. Season Two literally starts with:

Clicked on a few of these and not seeing the prices as listed here. Iron Man is starting at $51 (not including shipping) as opposed to the $48 listed on this post; the assorted box is starting at $69 as opposed to the $44 listed here. Am I missing something?

Clicked on a few of these and not seeing the prices as listed here. Iron Man is starting at $51 (not including

Sweet. Called it. They’re borrowing a page from Grant Morrison’s run on Batman and Robin, where Bruce Wayne was missing (thought dead, actually shot through time by Darkseid) and Dick Grayson had to step in as Batman. In that series, Hush transformed himself in to Bruce Wayne and in doing so steps into Wayne

BATWOMAN Question: What is the show’s backstory on Batman and Bruce Wayne? Is he alive? Is he just missing? What’s going on (Sorry I haven’t watched).
And is there room for Hush to come in and take on the role of Bruce Wayne, like he did after RIP in the comics when Dick Grayson was acting as Batman? Because that

Based on the visible confusion and anguish flashed in Wanda’s eyes in those brief snippets, I am inclined to suspect the show will be about her reality manipulation powers, perhaps caused by an episode of mental trauma or mental health issues. It looks to me like she is in flickers of reality she doesn’t understand,

That series focused more on Vision, right? My understanding is that this show will more focused on Wanda as the lead and her realty manipulating powers going a bonkers, possibly in line with her having some sort of mental health break (understandable having lost her brother and lover), more along the lines of House of

George, you need a correction: “As the youngest species of Allosaurus in the fossil record” from your writing.
Allosaurus Fragillis is generally thought to have roamed 155 to 145 million years ago, where as this new species, Allosaurus jimmadseni, is described as PRE-DATING Allosaurus Fragillis, with the former

Ah, a couple dots I had not connected. Touche. 

(Pointless Gripe) I wish Green Arrow was a little more... er... GREEN

I agree with you that I personally would much prefer a more original story (your Rogues pitch would be fun), but I bet from a studio’s perspective they see that this concept has already been a reliable cashcow that reliably sold comics, and subsequently adapted to a animated feature-length film and then on a

Overall, I agree with you. Couple devil’s advocate thoughts though (whether or not they have earned such benefits of doubts):
1) The reason they want to do Flashpoint first has nothing to do with what’s good for the Flash character, but what is logistically convenient for DC hero films: They need a reboot to undo

Leave Luke out? What are you talking about? The entirety of Obi Wan’s time spent after Revenge of the Sith is on Tatoine BECAUSE he’s there to watch over Luke. Of course a young Luke will be in the series.

How did the Emperor come back?
This is an example of JJ doing a good job as a story teller and not needing to beat viewers over the head with unnecessary explanation. The prequels quote and the large tanks briefly viewed showing what could be presumed to be clone bodies followed by shots of Palpatine’s own eroding body

UGH... Marvel’s cartoons that have coincided with the rise of MCU also rely on this dysfunctional team trope all too often. There’s snark, sarcasm, egos and infighting. It’s meant to be more maybe funny, but it isn’t. And in its attempts to be mature, maybe edgy, or just more “realistic” it just comes across like a