

You. Are not meeting our out-of-whack expectations. You have dishonored the entire nation.

83-84-85 was the chocolate cam variety VFR. Had to wait until 86 to get the geared cams. I still want a Hawk GT.

Drop bears, vicious animals.

What type of varmint are we talking about here? Different guns for different funs. I would love to see a .22 reach out and touch a prairie dog at 300 yards but we both know that ain’t a happenin’.

Only if Any Kaufman is the Commissioner. 

He totally is the guy who would pay to see Bumfight.

Just another SNAFU in our wonderful for-profit medical system here. Thanks, Nixon.

You like driving?

Man, don’t get me started on passing lane campers that go slower than the guy to the right...

Tammy. Is it REALLY that hard to rememba her name?!!?!?!

Are you trying to become this guy’s next new lawyer?


Worse, 50 shades fan fiction.

All I saw in that video was a LOT of future Kavannaughs.

Ugh, we had this happen when I took a few good friends out from university out after a concert at a divey bar I really liked. Some skeevy guy in his 50's was there and insisted on hitting on BOTH my friends wives like their husbands were not there (and they were right there). It got super weird and he was very drunk

And his skid-marked undies were all wet for some reason...

I know I am an old, BUT WHO DA FUQ IS THIS LITTLE PERSON?!?!?!

At least Andy Dick was kinda, sorta funny?

This is the right and only response to surprise public proposals.