
OK City is Hyuuuuge.

I think he wants them ‘damned street surfers’ to get off his lawn.

Uh, that’s not how a salvage title works...

**AHEM** Vitamins!

The free market shall fix all ails...

We will all ride Donny 2 Scoops walls everywhere. Screw roads.

Amen. Praise the Lord and pass the ammo.

Prairie Village to be exact.

High School glory dude wouldn’t outrun a damned NFL defensive tackle, EVER.

God I hate that movie.

Eddie Shore!

No, you meant Officer Gaff.

With rap and poetry, DUH. Someone should make a movie and include Coolio.

Frederick Douglas concurs with this statement.

The future is effed if that is the case.

Yeah, I am pretty sure everyone at work though I was crazy when a middle-aged coworker was raving about how good an animated spiderman movie can be. I talked a younger guy at the office into seeing it and he loved it. 

With no hesitation. 

Credit scores are complete bullshit also.

Yeah man. If you have to finance something there is no reason to deal with some corporate bank that could two craps less about you. Find a good, local credit union and save.

Gabba Gabbert to start for Broncos in 2020.