
I need to figure out how to fail upward so spectacularly like these types. I thought this thing was only reserved for white males, boy was I wrong.

Down that way all he had to do was ask a friend if he could borrow his dad’s outfit.

Agreed. This is Poplar Bluff, ain’t nothing woke at all about that town. Have relatives that live down that way and there were still ‘sundown towns’ down that way well into my childhood.

Like I told a guy at work this movie basically rendered all Rock documentaries after it pointless and not necessary. Go see Bohemian Crapsody? Why?

You won’t get an argument from me on this.

Dat grille is yuge.

Wait, wait. You caused a fire at you friend’s apartment and didn’t bother to compensate him for the damage? Friend of the year here, folks!

Luckily I have an ambulance chaser for a brother-in-law who will get it repaired for free. Keep my insurance out of it so they can’t jack up my rates because of someone else’s negligence.

Doesn’t mean diddly squat when it comes to due care and negligence.

What if he took his battery out of his phone?


Can never forget Brainhammer,  Intrvenus de Milo or Shark Sandwich.

each velvety cheek day

I ‘memba when 3-2 was a legit fooseball game, Bobby.

I’ll tell you what is downright spooky- you seen that photo showing the weaving and buttressing and other structural goings-ons to attempt to create the shitty façade of a full head of hair?!?!?! SPOOKY. 

+1 dish sanitizer

He would be trying to land the ‘big tower, biggenest yet!’


So moist!

I always put a do not disturb sign on my room if I stay for more than one night and try to tip the amount stayed when it comes to checkout. Don’t like other people trying to clean around my mess while I am there.