You know what you get when you point a finger at a snowflake? Three other fingers and an opposable thumb to point at other wussy snowflakes!!! GEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
You know what you get when you point a finger at a snowflake? Three other fingers and an opposable thumb to point at other wussy snowflakes!!! GEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Que snowflake.
Stupid does stupid.
You keep Jethro out of this conversation. He was a six star general and a double-naught spy and an astronaut all at Mr. Drysdale’s bank before this idiot was out of diapers.
Secret nothing, she has them proudly displayed on every chiffarobe in the house that has space.
yep, document EVERY incident, date, time, etc. and present to HR. And if they decide not to do anything about it after that you can give upper mgt. the ultimatum that you will leave if corrective action is not taken.
You sound like a person that is a programmer of one of the lousy design programs I use at work.
An evil wizard Dave Foley.
Wicked forking noice.
50 Cent and one page of Harry Potter approves this comment.
Just because I put a loaded .357 magnum revolver to your head does not mean I will blow it off. I have no idea why you would just up and jump to conclusions like that...
Sounds like a U2 lyric.
Hell yeah man, Chicago and shit!!
It looked super awkward, whatever it was. I think he decided to let up and try to avoid him at the last second but, momentum.
That’s why I can’t manage to care to see a pale imitation of the real thing. Just watched the Live Aid concert again a couple of days ago with the Mrs. and was blown away again like I was as a wee lad when I first saw it.
Someone should be flogged for putting ‘Hammer To Fall’ at 23. Top 10 at least.
Nope, nothing we can do here except thots and playas.
If only they could have been courageous like Donny Two Scoops and stood right in the face of the vicious VD during the Vietnam war...
Waving the white hanky around while the people across the isle want a scorched earth and complete obliteration of your party is no way to go about this.