
One of life’s true questions that will never be answered in our lifetime.

Was she secretly black or secretly lesbian or... BOTH?!?!?!?

Liddlle Wesley Crusher.

Would you eat yourself if you were a hot dog or a sandywich?

That’s some serious Passion of The Christ snuff film shit right there, man.

SO sexy!!!


You forgot the obligatory ‘Yo.’

Cotton would be a rollin’ in his grave to know you shed a tear, you big sissy.

Whatever is more bland than vanilla.

She wasn’t the punchline, he was. So please take the misdirected outrage down a little, Francis.

Y’know, he’s that DJ that does that wiki-wika stuff and other stuff.

What are your feeling about mayonnaise? 

Yeah, as long as the cut is good, why the hell not? They both look good in them.

Or more important than say, an education??

She’s a total metalhead!!

Except for when I had to bounce them. Ugh.

Preach! Everything is horrible!

Your target is the commercialization of a fun holiday. Blame capitalism or something.

Well, at least it isn’t another holiday stolen from the Pagans by the unoriginal Christians that is meant for mischief. Go Halloween!