“a growing outcry that Netflix remove the special from its platform."
“a growing outcry that Netflix remove the special from its platform."
The people who criticize his comedy are trying to prevent him from expressing his opinion?
Dave Chappelle tries to prevent people from expressing their opinion of him?
Wearing almost no clothing while humping blowup animals in hot tubs and licking a fake “ear” which, if you close your eyes, sounds exactly like a blowjob, is basically porn. Call it what you want, but the thousands of dudes watching her stream are watching it to get a nut off. They know it and she knows it.
Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit
Millions of people laugh at Chapelle’s jokes.
If only people watched the whole thing instead of snippets and listen to the commentary on what they are supposed to think.
You seriously are wondering whether or not Disney gives a fuck about anything but money? That is all they have ever cared about.
Also, what percentage of streamers are women. If 3% of all streamers are women, having 3% of them in the Top 100, means there is a participation disparity, not an earning disparity.
This should be the top comment. Many streamers are making most of their money off of Twitch, whether via direct donations, patreon, Onlyfans, or sponsorships. Obviously sponsor-unfriendly “hot tub” content wouldn’t make much money from ads via Twitch.
These figures are missing a lot of information. A bunch of different revenue streams are missing from my understanding. Not to mention “hot tub streamers” drive traffic off Twitch’s platform and generate the majority of their revenue from other platforms like Onlyfans.
what percentage of viewers/subscribers are women? why aren’t they viewing/subscribing to more women?
LOL… this article does feel like it exists just to bash on Blizzard some more. I don’t think anyone is surprised that Diablo II still feels like Diablo II. Especially given it is mostly a remaster with a small number of tweaks thrown in.
A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.
season 2 is going to be lame and i’m gonna watch that trash like the trash person that i am.
And now tell me WHO exactly defines what is “enough”.
And that’s what these Slater XL mods unknowingly perpetuate: the idea that skateboarding is specifically for cishet white dudes, a boys’ club where others are excluded because they don’t resemble the majority. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Just look at the skateboarding landscape. You have women shredders…
Unfortunate but what are you going to do force modders to adhere to a diversity quota? Wonderful thing about fan made mods, anybody can upload them. There’s absolutely nothing keeping anyone from creating more dark skinned mods. The modding community is like the skating community in that regard. There’s a place for…
Don’t y’all get tired of making the same articles over and over?