
do we know she was murdered tho?  i didn’t see that listed anywhere as an actual cause of death.  not saying it isn’t possible or even unlikely (we are all too familiar on how these stories end), but i’m interested in hearing the coroner’s report on the actual cause of death.

It’s a bit entitled to think that you, the One Customer, are the only arbiter of good and evil by “voting with your wallet”. Frankly, it’s a rather capitalist, primarily American perspective.

Do you honestly want to play the doubt card here given that scenario and what we know of the societal epidemic of domestic violence?

What a spectacularly bad take. While I agree “Latin” is a bad category, complaining about it being awarded to non-latinos is ridiculous. Can Eminem not win a rap award? Lil-Nasx or Darius Rucker no country award?

Is it just me or did all of the acting seem super awkward? Like the dialog is of course out of context, but it still felt off. Combine that with poor camera angle choices and weird clips that don’t make sense (2:33 for example) and its a pretty bad trailer.

Don’t be obtuse. They fucked up when they started issuing takedown notices on videos criticizing their build video which was absolutely bad.  That was bad form and in of itself worthy of further criticism.

It would not have been worse if Verge admitted the video was rushed and took the video down. Doubling down is what took it into the stratosphere. Linus even says that in this video and Etienne agreed. 

Person who has spent +20 years in a company get’s promoted, which is (apparently) unfair because his skin colour.

Oh look it's another article by white boy Ethan complaining about white people must be a Tuesday!

Annnnnnd I think I’m stopping reading Kotaku altogether now. It was bad enough that the superior Kotaku UK site shut down, now they’re actively demonising white men in their headlines.

It’s been really sad to watch Kotaku gradually become what its critics have long said it is. I have been reading Kotaku since around 2010-2011, I’m guessing, and it was once by far my favorite site for coverage of games and the culture around games. Over the last year or two, though, and especially over the last few

Is he qualified for the position? Is there evidence of Ubisoft purposely denying a better qualified person of a different race/gender the job? No? Then this is such a dumb headline and article

I’m a white French guy, and I don’t really see what’s wrong with white French guys.

People only care about diversity when the majority happen to be white. Nobody is criticizing Nintendo from having a nearly 100% Japanese staff.

As a gay hispanic man, I don’t think this headline is fair at all.

Isn’t Ubisoft a French company? How is it relevant that he’s French?

So I guess when Tripwire has the town hall to allow all their employees to voice their opinions and be inclusive, they only really want to hear from you if you share the exact same opinion as them....

It could be pretty interesting if we had a more precise idea of what was asked. As mistreatment could cover way too many thing. 

Sounds like you’ve been dating boys, not Men.

Pretty bold to call out other publications and try to tell them how to do their job. It takes you 350 words to get to what I suspect is the reason for this – that during preview phases the press is sometimes only shown part of the game so it’s hard for them to tell at this stage how the narrative will go. Can’t help