

So the fact that Grimes is dumb does not surprise me in the least, but the fact that AV Club is now stanning for communism is just a little bit off-putting.

More surprised Twitch hasn’t done anything. Frankly, the sites rules and enforcement seem to amount to, ‘what will cause people to be pissed’.

You know, AVC, you can’t regularly call Twitter a shitty hell website and then give in to its worst tendencies constantly.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Oh yes, shoot this into my veins. Sports takes from those that don’t watch sports are wonderful to me.

I mean... they can have games that feature political turmoil from the characters and setting, without trying to make some sort of grand political statement about the real world.

But I guess that kind of nuance is a bit difficult for some of the contributors around here, who would rather just post reactionary news

The tone hear makes it sound like you would settle for nothing less than 30 minutes of male on male penetration in order to signify someone’s sexual preference in children’s movie set in 1970s London.

Is there no gay man at the AV Club who could write an article about queer casting in the only movie my gay ass has been excited about since 1997? I feel like I just ran into Lena Dunham in the bathroom at a gay bar. Artie could be the love child of Blaine Edwards and Antoine Merriweather and he still wouldn’t be as

I agree, but he’s not defending people getting fired or losing opportunities based on things that haven’t “aged well,” and I imagine if someone were to suggest that he lose those things because there were homophobic jokes in a film he wrote from 2007, he’d have a problem with that.

No one expected it without communication, though.

Epstein stuff aside, this doesn’t seem like a *huge* deal to me from a workplace conduct perspective. The closest thing to an ok way for a boss to ask an employee out for dinner is probably sending them an email and telling them to ignore it if they want, and letting go after that.

It’s not *good*, but I personally

I do hope Johnson actually does what someone suggested. Make Benoit change his accent and no one notices or calls him out on it. Johnson loved the idea and said maybe Benoit would have a totally different accent in every movie.

it’s not true equality unless lesbians can violate labour laws too.

it would be very funny if during the oprah interview she came out as straight.

“Yi also posted a checklist of what she feels is necessary for Rogen to do in this situation, which reads..”

I guess she means to just hire them for the sake of hiring them. Merit, qualifications - all just gibberish in the way of adding token employees for woke-ening purposes.

Because in the arena of public opinion, expressing a dislike of Ms. Yi is taken as opposition to those ideas.  

What an obnoxious person.

Is it me or does Ray Fisher strike you as someone who was done wrong but is also kind of an asshole? See: Rose McGowan.