
Actually the biggest thing you can do just day to day is call out racism when you see it and tell that person it’s not ok. If it’s from a peer then it has a greater impact. People are not going to check themselves and realize that they need to grow if there is no friction for them because people are not speaking up.

The takes from the authors lately have been shit and have only been getting worse. I love snark as much as the next person, but the some of the recent opinions expressed by the staff have been immature, bratty, and just comically stupid. Hating on Biden? Discouraging voting? Shitting on literally everything and

I can’t with y’all. I just can’t with this performative bullshit. Yeah, some times the titles are so bad it’s not worth reading the article.

If you have a hard time separating video game violence from reality, you’re already behind the curve...

“virtually" is the key distinction here.

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

in the digital age no one has to interact with anyone in person these days. and no matter what skin color you have if your poor you interacting with anyone and everyone. i grew up in the projects single mom 5 kids i was the oldest. no one gave a shit what color anyone was cause we were all in the struggle together.

Take a cursory glance at many streamers’ chat rules and you’ll likely find a clause about avoiding political discussions, or banning them outright.”

Could someone explain to me how them shutting down access to their MP games for two hours help this cause?

sooo what does the season pass have to do with people rioting and stealing? 

It’s a video game

I swear some of these companies are just hopping on the “empty gesture” bandwagon. You gotta do a lot more than just delay some shit in order to “stand with” the people protesting.

What does a videogame have to do with riots

Video games are never the most important thing ever going on in the world, try again.

Aww you been feeling out of it huh, over someone you don’t know, and over something that statistically happens so little that it affects your life to that point....give me a break. Just more B.S virtue signaling for online karma points. I guarantee you frequent TheRoot, where there is so much racism towards white

True, but I think we can be reverent and still look forward to nice things. Like, I certainly have all the stuff that’s been going on in my mind but at the same time, it would have been nice to see this. But I understand where they’re coming from with postponing it.

Actually, the guy’s usual performance was about the same as his performance on real tracks, and as the article notes, it was another real racer that came in second above even the ringer.

Women get harassed online. Non cis people get harassed online. People with accents get harassed online. Because they are different than the majority. That’s human nature. People need to grow the fuck up and accept that. Until you magically change the mind and hearts of every single person on the planet, this will be

So what exactly is the alternative? We just all wait until someone can come up with an all-powerful AI that can monitor all communication and selectively censor objectionable content? Or we keep waiting for corporations to find some magical solution that somehow makes it all go away?

Honestly, if anything, we need to push usage of voice chat harder. Women play games. A lot of women play games. So do LGBTQ+ people, and people with “non-standard voices”. And the fact is, by sheer numbers, the stable, non-assholeish people outnumber the manbaby rage children by a pretty huge margin, and yet we have