
I’ve noticed this particular trend on the internet that people tend to act like they know everything about programming, computer game development, graphics, loading of assets etc when they have 0 knowledge of how a computer actually works or how memory management and these 3d graphics rendering works.

Not too surprising given the last section of the tech demo was walking out of the cave area into a large landscape full of similarly detailed assets falling apart with physics, as the character was moving through them at high speed.

Epic confirmed that it is playable and was recorded from a PS5 devkit.

No squeezing in that last bit. That was impressive.

Even if we don’t end up seeing playable games that look like this, Sony is doing a hell of a better job of showing off what’s possible on their upcoming hardware than Microsoft has done so far.

This blew away the entire demonstration that Microsoft gave last week. It actually felt like this was real gameplay running on the hardware. I don’t even know if this is a real game, but this demonstration was legit the first next-gen demo that impressed me.

It’s Stop Idolizing Mediocre Pussy.

simp existed to make fun of those dudes donating thousands to girls in an attempt at love for like 0.013 seconds.

I feel like it’s a little pointless. Who would be offended by being called simp but a person who would use the word? It’s like cuck. It has no teeth unless you’re in the incel community or something. I’d be more annoyed if someone called me a fucking idiot or something.

Granted, I can’t speak for everyone. So I guess

I may be an outlier, but I do complain a bit about it when it breaks some immersion and breaks the game more than it helps. More like guns being too OP/never jamming in Total War games. I realize even those games are not supposed to be historically accurate (Rome has elite units that never existed), but like I said,

Correction: BFV was a FREAK show about female characters, nothing there was right about it. Your example of Lyudmila would make sense if they added the soviet union, but this is not the case. Also there was a big MAJORITY of players who didn’t liked the forced inclusion of females on BFV, not a “small vocal group”,

I’m all for historical accuracy, but there’s a thin line to realism where a dev has to consider things like my character needing to go to the bathroom and sleep or going into battles that actually took place in ancient Japan, fighting giant enemy crabs and hitting their weak points for massive damage.

Word of warning: as someone who also thought this was just idiots complaining about progressiveness, if those leaks are real, the game’s plot is just awful.

Not surprised Liz Truss is once again revealing how much of a fucking sack of useless shit she is. Her entire career has been one of extreme incompetence and ridicule, infamously for comments about cheese nationalisation and more recently illegal arms sales to Saudi Arabia (for which she received zero ramifications).

The additions were done because of -how- the story was changed and why. It’s a full game, it’s 40-45 hours of game with a narrative arc with a beginning, middle and end. Saying it isn’t a full game is like saying Fellowship of the Ring isn’t a full movie just because it doesn’t tell the whole story.

People don’t have much of a choice when it comes to government surveillance. Phones, e-mail, linkedin, etc. are all necessary for many professionals. Valorant is not. If anything you should be happy that people are willing to take a stand when it comes to something they can actually oppose.

I mean, people do get riled up over that.

Unpopular opinion, English voices don’t really pair well with anime style media, it always sounds like those “funny” abridged versions.

Memes aside:
There’s a very actionable response to an individual company taking a singular action in comparison to say, trying to argue against the entire NSA.

(Hi Jim, how’s the kids. Thanks for checking in every day.)

I’m with you that people should take privacy more seriously, and plenty of folks made a fair

So, I just want to preface this by saying that this is purely a quibble about the statistical validity of this, and not an attempt to downplay the problem. Any percent of systematic pay difference between genders is unacceptable, and I’m only making this point because I believe the quickest way to lose an argument is