
Dhalgren is on a special shelf with other books that I read a few chapters from and then stop and come back to after a few days, weeks, months or even years. Not because I don’t like them but because there is so much good stuff there you can’t just gulp it down in one sitting. Other books on that shelf are Gravity’s

Simply one of our finest living novelists and poets whose work is psychedelic in the true sense of the word.

Pontypool is the greatest Canadian zombie movie ever made.

It’s a zombie movie called Patient Zero that’s NOT the Jonathan Maberry novel?  Huh.

This sounds like another version of Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend (1954), where the last normal human turns out to be the monster. This was made into a nice version with Vincent Price, The Last Man On Earth (1964), a goth-hippies vs Charlton Heston version in The Omega Man (1971), a Will-Smith-as-bio-expert version

Came for this, was not disappointed.

Surely they could’ve found someone more qualified to illustrate a YA book starring a woman than this racist, sexist crackpot who has proven time and again over the last couple decades that he doesn’t know how to depict the female form except as they appear his own weirdly prostitution-focused onanistic fantasies.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

No The Thing, but there’s room for Space Jam? No Close Encounters either? What even is this list?

Come to Fright Universe this Halloween for spooktacular savings on creepy costumes, dreadful decorations, and all manner of evil accessories. We are at the intersection of Lincoln and Ballston Ave. at the former location of Used Cock Ring Warehouse.

You’re fired from my marketing company.

I’m just kind of amazed no one made the obvious connection of having Wonder Woman use some kind of prototype Amazon tablet.

My posting history will bear out the fact that I am a proud progressive, but this article was pure liberal navel gazing.

That’s for a criminal prosecution. Impeachment powers give broad discretion to the Senate, with no clear burden of proof or list of actions that qualify as impeachable, let alone a strict definition of treason.

The US has a long, sordid history of rugged individualismthat is mostly bullshit. Politicians appeal to that idea and get people to go against their own best interests so the politicians can funnel money to their buddies instead of building a society.

Obama did commit the greatest crime, though: being born while not-white.

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

Dear God! You’re using Yahoo as your default search in Firefox?!?!?

Actually, it’s the truth that’s out there. The future is now. Please get your cliche vocabulary up to speed.