
Think I best get on down there to Methlanta and see what the hell the problem is.

I remember the CGI motorcades from J. Edgar as being pretty iffy, too.

The fact that Robert Siegel wrote The Founder is giving me that same hope. The Wrestler, Big Fan—he's gotta have given it some bite.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is great.

If this is what you want, Duck is the man for the job.

Finally, someone who gets it!


I love how that was followed by Bojack putting his fist through the window and a quick cut to the next scene.

"Aww, man. I shoulda been there."

Yeah, I know it's passé for critics to be concerned about spoilers anymore, but come on, it's ALF!

At a certain point, one realizes libertarians have a very particular conception of liberty, that they only want for a very particular set of people. Essentially, everyone else isn't worthy of liberty.

I somehow completely missed that the new act of KRZ came out. The more you know!

[Firewatch spoilers]

That one is great.

Now that you point it out, I can't believe I didn't see the resemblance while playing.

Un grand homme.

This week I completed Uncharted 4 after playing through the series for the first time, on the PS4 remastered collection. My verdict aligns with what the consensus seems to be: they're superbly crafted confections with an occasional touch of artistry, and 4 drew the series to a fine close.

Thank you!

Exact same reaction.

I just finished the first episode (moving a few months behind the zeitgeist, too).