
Man, he nailed Monmouth and Ocean.


Watched the recent Shout Factory Blu-ray release of Manhunter, which reconfirmed my love of this film and Mann in general.

Of all the irrational, bigoted, deluded, and outright stupid aspects of the Trump candidacy—I feel like this point actually doesn't get stressed enough.

Not as much overlap as you'd hope.

Those cufflinks are fantastic.

I feel that way about Frontline.

I do want to check out his work further, so thanks for the tips!

I rented it via iTunes, as this won't be showing near me, either.

When you someone become it?


I'm sure this has been pointed out—she depicts a smart-alecky wisecracker in the way real people actually are, not in the contrived and writerly way that 'clever' TV and film characters often are. Kudos to the writers for that, too, of course.

I can totally see William one of these episodes just turning right to the camera and shaking his head at some damn nonsense. And I'd buy it.

They were old people's sunglasses. Yeah, you can buy them in Dallas airport. And you put them over normal sunglasses.

I just assumed Mail Robot was promoted to Director and Gaad was in for an especially nasty sacking.

And conversely, it must kill Paige that her mother is demanding she do something that she genuinely loved and derived purpose from, for an ulterior motive.

I came to post this exact sentiment. Besides the goodwill, he does have the chops; he was really good in The Matador.

That sums it up well, to my recollection too.


Elizabeth and Philips's kiss, in close-up, was brightly lit, and it really struck me, in this show of sombre grays and earth tones. Amidst every terrible thing they're going through, and every terrible thing they're inflicting, this kiss, to me, was shot as a triumph, however brief, however surrounded by an impossibly