
As demonstrated by his silent presence in the HHM conference room, Michael McKean does a really good imperious glare. Knowing him pretty much only from Christopher Guest movies, Clue, and other broad comedy, I'm enjoying McKean's new side in BCS.

Yes, but beauty and all that, don't you know? And then the Left. How frightful and all that then.

Leave it to IV to class up the joint with his picks.

We probably think this AVQ&A is about us, don't we?

Total It Follows situation, I can't blame you there.

(a) I did not realize that, and (b) will now try to forget it.

This thread has only now made me realize that Nux and the student from A Single Man are one and the same.

And no WiFi!

"who won't shut up about STEM"

I was watching bits of an interview with Fuhrman conducted a few years or so after the verdict, and "seething" seems a very apt word for him.

Fair enough.

Beggars, choosers, etc.

It's just that painting behind you—it's awful. It looks like harlequin Kama Sutra…done poorly.

In all honesty I cannot argue with any of that.

Playing with the form, I like it!

They got some microdermabrasion and a tasteful brow lift!

Herewith are RAMBLINGS.

A week or so ago I finished the PS4 remastered The Last of Us. Now I'm in the middle of the DLC Left Behind.

I originally took it from my sophomore theology teacher.

What did the sadist do to the masochist?