A handy compilation, thanks.
Fitting pick for Coen brothers movie of the week: Tom Hanks's character in it recites verse from "the unquiet mind of Edgar Allan Poe," while Bill's wife in this talks of his "unquiet mind."
Now we'll never get to see Bert and Megan's father debate the merits of capitalism :(
wtf is What? lol
Is that also when you started questioning the value and viability of the US dollar?
It's not true, but I'd like to imagine that the song hadn't been written yet and Don Draper drunkenly invented it at that moment.
For you art-house types, maybe. Us regular folk are perfectly happy with a simple clock wipe, thank you very much.
My son is also named Bort.
Ah, what the Christ.
Though the acting is nonetheless called "unexpectedly brilliant" in the third paragraph.
People bash tying your sweater around your neck but DAMNIT it is a GOOD way to carry a sweater when you don't need to wear it I AM NOT A CRACKPOT
"A thing like that!"
Shit, you might be even righter.
Shit, you're right.
So to speak.
Chilton and Crawford
I'm pretty certain @Ack_Ack:disqus was not saying that of Iowans.