
“How in the fucking world are they suppressing free speech? You keep saying that, but you leave out all the mechanics of how.”

Goddammit. I want to quit you, but your Pollyanna routine is just too fucking ignorant to ignore.

Give ‘em time. Antifa is just getting started.

Get a life, girl.

“Under my boot.”

“I can dismiss you :D Wanna see how that works out for ya dumbass?”

Oh no! I can’t imagine a fate worse than being dismissed by a random internet twat.

Thanks for the history lesson, genius. I wasn’t aware that Nazi’s were evil until you brilliantly pointed it out.

What other nuggets of wisdom do you care to share?

“If you want to equate a broken camera to a dead body”

Lmk when you have a point, genius.

They attacked and beat a journalist, scumbag.

You talk tuff on the internet.

“One of the distinguishing characteristics of wypipo is their infallible ability to lump people into groups and project their notions onto said group.”

“They’re better people.”

“you must have an intelligent opponent who is arguing in good faith.”

“You’re part of the problem.”

Is it victim blaming to point out she probably shouldn’t have pulled a knife on them?

Here comes the troll police.

That’s actually sad.

As someone who has wealth and owns shit, I’d like them to stick around. #capitalism4ever

Dearest Barron,

So we’re expected to pay supplemental charges now simply because we can afford do. *side eye*