William Byrd

Full time, part time? Remote vs. NYC?

I used to haul my DSLR and lenses around.  Now I just use an iPhone 11 and Lightroom. Recent press car shoot below, the clouds came out a little overdone, but I like the shot.


Amazing trip, good luck! Since I’m not sure exactly where you’re going, here’s my guide from a recent (well, 2015) trip from Germany down into Italy, France, Switzerland, and back into Germany. I wrote this up for a friend who moved to Italy for a couple years and wanted to know what to go see.

That was my first car! And I paid...a bit less than this. So for that reason I might have to go CP. For nostalgia’s sake, maybe not.

*for racists.  It’s complicated for racists.  

The guy on the left looks like Morty Seinfeld wearing the beltless trenchcoat. 

Before this existed, I really disliked it.  Now, not so much. 

That guy looks like a door-to-door dick salesman.  Which makes sense with her line of sight. 

I don’t think I would direct my ire at a successful journalist. Not trying to kiss ass, but I’ve seen what some of these “idiot neighbor complains” stories work out for the homeowner a bunch of times, hopefully some publicity on this will help your case!  Either way godspeed!  

I didn’t really want to.  But I really do.  They seem to genuinely get along and the chemistry (which usually takes some time) is definitely there.  I’m enjoying it. 

LOL, it’s “politics” if you disagree with it? Are there varying Republican and Democratic viewpoints on tire slashing?  I support law enforcement in my day job, that doesn’t mean I support everything they do. 

Those are great, I ended up finding a set of nets with magnets sewn in online back in 2012 when my wife and I drove cross-country in our JKU.  We hit some campsites and truck stops to save money to stay at the Cosmo in Vegas and they were a lifesaver since it was late summer. 

Good summary, that’s very likely!  

Also, Jason is wrong about Gone in 60 Seconds, that’s a good movie.

What happened to like a “cease and desist” letter.  We’re not doing that anymore?  This definitely seems heavy handed, they don’t own that car, he does. 

Slow clap...nice job.

Welcome sir! Big shoes to fill, but it sounds like you’re up for it.

Curious if some of the lowballers are also the same people that post screenshots of CL making fun of people who offer them crazy low offers on their stuff?