No surprise- the consequences of “fat-acceptance”, “Body Positivity” and “Health At Every Size” hysteria is going to hit these folks like a bag of lard hitting a brick wall.
No surprise- the consequences of “fat-acceptance”, “Body Positivity” and “Health At Every Size” hysteria is going to hit these folks like a bag of lard hitting a brick wall.
Thank you so much for bringing logic and common sense to this discussion. It’s mad how Twitter and sites like this one rush to type out clickbait essays finding hidden meaning in the most trivial of details. I wish Tumblr were still around to keep these fanatics safely quarantined.
Cool. Race-swap Black Panther next. I don’t see any Asian representation in Wakanda.
“Canon is a fool’s stricture...”
A self-obsessed narcissist, the same type of person who “boycotts the Oscars” when they haven’t been invited and/or relevant for years.
This writer couldn’t even get through the 3rd sentence of a TV review without mentioning “toxic masculinity”. Then again, this is AV Club, I’d expect nothing less...
“Selling boring-ass clothes to plus-sized customers” is one of the best motivators I can think for someone to get off their fat ass and get to a decent size. I cringe every time a respected brand bends the knee and starts catering to our modern culture of self love via gross obesity.
Size 40? This is what we’re celebrating/demanding? Yikes. I can’t state how repulsive it is that we’ve gone from fighting anorexia to stuff their faces full of garbage til the point of organ failure.
Hypocritical, outrage-stoking journalism from Jezebel? I’m positively SHOCKED at this development.
It’s a 93 year old, wheelchair bound, half demented old man, who fucking cares? I get that swapping the word “grope” for “pat” makes for a more scandalous new-story, but if Bette White were doing the same thing there would be articles on deadspin and jezzebelle calling it “sassy” or “spunky”. Let’s try to be…
God forbid a grown woman take responsibility for her own actions by reading her medicine label or not drinking to excess while on a “date”. Thank goodness this was on a reality show, else she’d be accusing him of rape and he’d have no recourse to prove otherwise.
“As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality,” Olympios said. “As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring…
You’re absolutely right, finding a marketable middle eastern or Indian star who can sing, dance, and speak English is taking way too long, we should just cast Jake Gyllenhaal and be done with this ridiculous process.
Oh, millennials, always a “hot take” or an inequality to moan about.
Mannish facial features, two-toned Tumblerina haircut, and she served with the Asari... What do you want to bet Cora’s story consists of her rambling about the superiority of matriarchal cultures?