
I mean couldn’t you just as equally say getting upset about some lukewarm jokes is also pretty bullshit in these awful times?

You guys really hate fun, don’t you.

Scratch a cynic, find a humanist. 

I don’t believe your tale of talking tough at the hardware store.  

I think it is important for people on the left to recognize that their idea of Republican = evil is not a majority opinion. Dems need more than that going forward or else they will be constantly working from behind.

Possibly not influential enough to get you to watch him in Arrested Development though?

They’re authoritarians. Either you drink the party cool aid and be an outspoken progressive, or you’re persona non grata and should be exiled from society or worse. Wrongthink is not tolerated by the tolerant.

I mean I get that, but they were B-arcs because... they were the B characters. Brie and Maron were the stars. I think definitely by season 4 there was room to explore the secondary characters a lot more, and there definitely should have been some no-white writers. But while it’s a large ensemble cast, season 1 was

My favorite retailers are the ones that don’t use slideshows to drive ad revenue.

I don’t think “firmly liberal” really describes him. He’s more like a bemused contrarian who has contempt for sanctimony and preciousness in all its forms. He rejects the idea that it is mandatory to agree with or embrace any prevailing idea and pretty clear rejects what he thinks of as PC culture even if he doesn’t

It was quite fun to pop over to Twitter during commercials and see all the white women weeping and rending garments over the monologue, while everyone they insisted it was offensive to was totally cool with it.

Since the start of the UK lockdown in March people have been putting rainbows in their windows as a sign of support for the NHS. That’s why he said it, it makes complete sense to anyone in the UK.

Art is not obligated to need to tell you or anyone, anything, about nothing. And if it does, it doesn’t have to specifically pander to and agree with your specific interests and politics. Its ridiculous how you all are being dismissive of this show and are hating on it now because it paints a liberal as a bad guy.

I like that it doesn’t have anything to say. What is it you need to be told by television?

Another SJW cunt review.

Hahaha wow. They made a suggestion about MY fave so now I don’t care for it. AV Club at it again.

Hmm. It’s almost as if we’re reading an article about what feminists think men think masculinity is...

For the same reason she has a career at all: People like what they like.

This Ritalin generation is so used to the hackney, vaudeville pace of Reality TV and YouTube they can’t even sit still for an actual story. Society in 2030 and 2040 is going to be shiiiiit.

It’s very important that you never let an opportunity to scold other people about the way they have children.  How else will everyone know that you’re a better person than them.