
Company’s lawyers defend trademark and other shocking news.

Even if he’s a foot taller?

It seems fairer to allow them to compete with the men. Of course they won’t win any more but it’s about taking part no?

It’s not ideal but if the goal is 100% participation then allow the “non-females” to compete with the males. Everyone gets to play (but not win).

I guess it’s better than suicide by Everest 


The problem with adaptations of this saga is that of Dent , Arthur Dent. There’s no possibility of improving on the original as the character was written for the actor Simon Jones. 

They did a great job with that song! I was also chuffed to hear the original TV theme banjo intro in the movie. (“Journey of the Sorcerer” by The Eagles.) 

As awful as Avatar & Titanic are I can’t forget Terminator and Aliens. He gets a lifetime pass.

Nice try Satan! Stop trying to join the cool group , you’re a white devil regardless of uterus.

Even after the article I was swept up by the ludicrous Cats trailer. It totally worked on me and I can’t wait to see this movie!

Did anyone listen to the audiobook LOTR? The poor narrator had to sing all those goddamn songs including (shudders) Tom Bombadill.

Nice word choice with “Slovenly”. Don’t hear that much these days.

Yeah I’m done reading reviews for this show , the comments are way better.

“I just threw up in my mouth a little” is an unforgivable anachronism .

I use my phone app to order , those touchscreens are covered in undesirables 

I can’t use those touchscreens (or any other public touchscreen) after I read they’re all covered in shit. They should have hand sanitising stations next to those things.

I’ve never had a chicken product from McD come close to KFC. Awful formed nuggets or stringy breasts. 

It’s true , Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen were both bullied , pilloried , castigated and despised because of their race and gender , nothing at all to do with their shitty characters and acting.

Rewatching Parks and Rec , still find Tom annoying. Strange that Jean-Ralphio stayed just on the right side of the obnoxious line but Tom didn’t.