Vat time is it?
Vat time is it?
Oh yeah? People don’t sport shoot for enjoyment? Go to the range to relax? Trick out that next pistol for IPSC and nailing that texas star target like a boss?
That’s not how the NFA works.
To even buy this thing you would need to have it registered with the ATF as an AOW (Any Other Weapon) and pay a $200 tax, get finger printed and your background gone over with a fine toothed comb.
About as often as Short Barreled Rifles and Silencers get used in crimes.
Oh damn I wasn’t even thinking in terms of the NFA.
Holy shit I really don’t care.
The Division is almost what the world would be like if the ending to Rainbow Six went completely pear shaped (The book, not the original game)
Obvious visual difference? Who gives a shit what they look like. If they turn around and shoot at you you’re cleared weapons hot.
Do I really need to take a picture of both of my phones?
I laid both the 4S and the 5S on top of each other. The most noticeable difference in the hand is the weight followed by how slippery the 5S feels.
I’m not sure I understand the issue. I still have my 4S as a portable music player that I’m not afraid to damage and its just a hair taller, no change in width dimensions
Good. I’m quite happy with the size of the 5S and would rather not upgrade to a larger form factor just for faster specs.
Lower for all but even lower still for the people who have driver-less cars? Sure.
Holy shit, you know my financial situation?! And here I thought my paperless bills and micro cut shredder would cut down on that kind of thing.
Yeah people make that argument about my firearms too.
Yeah fuck you.
What situation can you imagine where a human needs to take over?