Big McLargeHuge

It’s like a little beer keg of death!

Iran is actually on the world stage. They respond to global pressure. The DPRK gives zero fucks. They’ll starve their people and build breeder reactors from the body parts.

What the hell is wrong with you?

20 years in the industry. His fingers have been in every release of photoshop?

Came for this, was no disappointed.



I know a lot of people shit on online based password managers, but I’m a big fan of Lastpass with Yubikey authentication


\m/ ( -_-) \m/

Precisely my face when I got to the end of this article

Yeah the plastic place holder sights on the glock are embarrassing. That’s one of the first things I knock right off and install an aftermarket set (I’m a fan of 10-8 Performance)

This is the correct line of thinking. A pistol is a sidearm/secondary weapon for a reason.

MP5s have fallen way out of favor. A short barreled AR can do everything the MP5 can do and do it better.

Previous generation .40 caliber glocks are notoriously snappy. Funny what happens when you take a 9mm gun and shoehorn a .40 caliber cartridge in it. The Gen4’s were specifically designed with the .40 in mind...its dual captive recoil spring comes to mind. Problem then is it fucked all the other calibers...and Glock

Feel. Feel. Feel. Getting a lot of that around here. “it doesn’t feel right”

Col. Cooper, is that you?