Big McLargeHuge

I’m pretty sure SEALs know to:

Yeah...and the 300lb trigger. Which is why the NY2 abomination trigger spring exists for the glock. Hardware solution for a software problem. Train your fucking people.

They are very much different.

..........yeah I do

Fuck your Chess!

I want your food and your couch. I’m going to kill you for it.

Lots and lots...and lots of practice

PJs? Man, those guys are their own breed of badass

You arrogant ass! You’ve killed us!

Yeah of course they would say that. “Hey, we’re squeezing you for every dollar you have...BECAUSE RUSSIA”

Well...someone’s gotta do it now that the PMC party bus has left. Woof.

Mk18s, PEQ-15s, EO553, RIS II rail? Man that’s SOPMOD Block 2 if ever I’ve seen any

Doubt they took anything upon themselves judging from the wings they flew in on.

I think SOF has a role to play out in the world. Very limited, very rare. In my opinion, international conflicts should be resolved by diplomacy first, then law enforcement, then the military, then SOF.


Damn really? I know my old T1 went ages before having to swap the battery. The fucking XPS I got now, I swap the battery when I change the clocks over...eats cr123’s like they were candy

So...operator in a non-military sense isn’t a valid title for a myriad of different professions?

Not all of the eos are complete hunks of shit. I guess the adage of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” rings true here.

‘Operator’ is a specific name for a very specific group. Just like Special Forces refers to US Army Special Forces.