Big McLargeHuge

Stop posting a playstation link, its almost as if you work for them or something.

Yeah too bad replacing/upgrading your hard drive isn’t. They have to make it seamless because there is essentially no other way except to tether an external hard drive to your xbone and hope for the best

How? Easily. Usually to a USB flash drive.

ps4 is stupid easy to backup your save files


The weapons we have here in the ‘States, despite what Gawker says, are no where near what was being used in France.

I got a tenner that says France goes to war over this (if there is someone to go to war with)

The only saving grace is your country is mostly surrounded by water just like your buddies south of the border (hello hat! **waves from the United States**) Can’t very well carry explosives and full auto rifles on their backs from country to country to reach your target destination.

Because once they figure out whose responsible, they can stomp their asshole with minimal delay

Damnit, I read that in Kiefer Sutherland’s voice

Once the French gov’t figures whether or not this was an organized attack, $10 bucks says they’re going to war.

I just don’t like being disingenuous about NFA firearms. There’s enough bullshit floating around as is and no matter what the people who hate guns will hate guns regardless of what laws are and are not on the books.

Noooooo whyyyyyyyyyyyy I don’t need those kind of feels right now!

...Its bigger on the inside?

Now playing

Okay okay, I can agree that Bullet Tooth Tony was the only time a Deagle was used properly

I wish the Desert Eagle would just die and stop being a thing.

See that silver bit of metal hanging off the ass end of the slide? That’s a registered DIAS. As far as I know, there are only a handful of transferable G18s in the wild and they are $$$$$$$$$$

Ha, fuck a full auto mag dump using premium defensive ammo (even as garbage as those RIP rounds are)

Nah, its fantastic design. It’s just not designed for unapproved prole access.

They’re designed to look good. Threads and fasteners take up valuable space when you’re talking about shaving fractions of a millimeter. Screw holes are also aesthetically unpleasing.