Big McLargeHuge

What do you want on your Tombstone?

Hmm, fair enough point. Completely forgot about store-bought extended warrenty plans

No problem, Buck Plankchest

I’m 28 and I vividly remember sitting in the rear facing seat in mom’s stationwagon.

Don’t you mean “bonnet” ?

Because FUCK THE PIGS thats why.

Why can’t someone do something for the thrill of it? Gotta have a fucking small dick to do anything but sit safely at home?

I’m not sure if any personal use items (in-ear headphones, etc) have a return policy like that.

That’s...not how a black hole works.

Every area with the ATF is a fucking grey area. They change the rules of the game and the goalposts on the daily.

You have to be trolling. The F2000 is the most malfunction prone weapon FN makes (including the M4/M16’s they are contracted to produce)

Can’t say that I agree can use your face flaps and say “Excuse me” if you need to get past?

I think the issue here is passive aggressiveness.

Dense with calories and energy! Gonna need that running up a mountain.

Nailed it.


Sure, we don’t have to be...but we’re the only one’s stepping up to the plate. Its call complacency and until our carriers start disappearing from sea lanes along with other people’s shit the EU is content with having us around.

We “did less” with the Arab Spring...that turned out swimmingly