Big McLargeHuge

Eye of the beholder.

My god the pomp in this thread is almost unbearable.

This right hurr:

I don’t know if it’s stealing or what, but every time I watch Leon: The Professional, I hear music I first heard from GoldenEye

And use any headset you want. I use that little adapter for my ATH-M50x headphones and modmic.

I’ve always rolled with “If you’re in a boat, point it up. If you’re in a helicopter, point it down.”

You can’t trust a politician with anything. What makes you think you can trust them with a bloody firearm?

Someone needs to knifehand the ever living fuck out of ol’ Teddy there.

Fuck that, only if I know the level of training the individual has. And only if I’m wearing armor.

All that to listen to 192kbps MP3s?

They are indeed a nice set of chest fats

I work the graveyard shift (11PM - 7AM) and sometimes the coffee just ain’t cuttin’ it. Here’s how I catch a wink or two in the unlikely event someone important walks by at oh-dark thirty

Nice bit of history, the -14 is. I’d love one but damn are they expensive to feed, expensive to dress and expensive to keep accurate. Buddy of mine just nabbed a beauty of an M1A and considering he wants to stretch its legs at 800m+ I get to watch him descend into the realm of bankruptcy to kit it out

Jeff Cooper called, grandpa. He wants to know whether or not you’ll be going to bingo night

Phew, you must be well off to sling defensive ammo for a range trip. I, personally, will go through the carry ammo in the mag to cycle it out then switch to cheaper FMJ plinking stuff.

Right, and abstinence only sex education programs are wonderfully successful.

I also doubt the gun expert is a child himself. In which case “Stop, Don’t Touch, Go tell an adult” is no longer an adult is already there.

and we should find an adult to take care of them.

With situational awareness and attention to detail like that, perhaps its good you’re not a huge fan (and probably don’t own firearms)