That other stooge

It's Jim Stansel. You know… "Jim"?


In other news, there's a show on NBC called Grimm

Another aging buddy cop movie? I'm getting too old for this.

What's important here is he didn't deny it was about giant lady poops. He just said they look back like beep beep beep.

Oh no… Oh sweetie… No. No he gave it to you. With his penis.

But Kangol hats, to be fair

No, 'cause dragons shoot out fire. Penises don't… Oh I get it.


I was particularly fond of their cover of Aphex Twins' "come to daddy." Saw them live that year in LA. It was a pleasure. Saw Patton two years later with Rahzel. It was after his "adult themes for voice" album, he lost me there. But he won me back with Mondo Cane in a big way. Plus- after Mr Bungle's "California,"

Yeah- I think that episode was exactly as funny as the original documentary, and in exactly the same way. The other episodes had other gags going on, but this one was just the two guys doing an albeit impeccable reproduction of the original. I was glad to hear they go back and forth on the ending of that one. I have

Hey now

Hey now!

Let's meet in the morning so we can make a day of it.

Poor financial decisions has been a theme though.

If you watch his interviews- by far the weakest part of his show- he has a terrible habit of repeating the last few words his guest says. Especially if the guest says a punchline.

John Oliver laughs a lot- but I don't feel like it's the same as fallon's signature "I can't stay in character" bit upon which he's built his career. Oliver seems like a guy that just finds a lot of things really funny and can't help but laugh. In writing this I know it sounds like the same thing but it snot.

I kind of liked poot- he reminded me of buscemi in reservoir dogs. somehow managed to survive it all. Interesting story, in 2009 I was working as a bike messenger in DC. I was delivering a package to the loading dock at one of those big law firms downtown, and poot was there unloading a bunch of Xerox boxes. Talked to

Man- that scene where Wallace died had me all sad the next day. And, as a testament to how good that show was, I felt the same way when Bode died. Oh yeah, spoiler since you quit at season 4

I don't know- I quit dexter the moment Rita died. It's partly because she reminds me so much of my wife and partly because for me, her death removed the last shred of decency from dexter's character. Up until then, it was a good show (albeit getting worse as seasons went on), about a guy caught between being this hero