The Double Douche

Too bad he doesn't feel the same way about sex.

KKK poll: 9 in 10 racists not offended by the n-word!

You have to cheat when you pay 63% in taxes right Phil.

He raped that ball!

If Hamilton vs Burr happened at ESPN today it would just be the two of them yelling at each other for 18 minutes plus commercials.

I'm guessing wheel well.

+1 cold envelope.

Nevermind who wants to sex Mutombo. I think he's deepthroat.

It won’t be as good as the Joe Buck show.

What's the problem? The guy used his directional at the end of the video.

Nobody ever wins a fight.

Little known fact. That was the ball he gave to his illegitimate daughter.

Sure priests reprehensible, black dogs adorable. So deadspin!

Sarcasm Money.

Pick me out a winner Bobby. I meant a chicken dinner!

I think that darker guinea pig is making a false accusation.

I could understand it for football but fucking lacrosse?

For a moment I thought I saw Madoff standing next to the judge in the office.

Pens in 3rd period: You wanna play 7 games?

Some people just can't play on clay.