They did that with his dad—every word he says is recorded for history by some flunky who’s happy to have the job and the daily extra handful of dried corn that goes with it.
They did that with his dad—every word he says is recorded for history by some flunky who’s happy to have the job and the daily extra handful of dried corn that goes with it.
Hmmm since the parents actively sought out the media and the article is based entirely off of their word...... I’m gonna go ahead and guess that there is a lot that they aren’t saying that might go a long way towards explaining the other passengers’ reactions.
Hasn’t he read the EULA? All of Apple’s user agreements specifically forbid them from being used in any kind of nuclear development!
Judging from the extra blubber he has grown in the lead picture, I was thinking of him being a Big Mac user.
Well to be fair PC is lacking a Command key.
Of course he uses Mac. What else is a dictator to do but enlarge his missile with photoshop?
It could be much worse than you suspect. He may have about 500 pages worth of sumptuous banquets, elaborate silken brocades, repeated character tics, travel scenes, and florid equivocation, all sprouting adjectives like one of those mushroom farms that comes in a box, without even a single plot point worth mentioning.…
Whatever happens, I just hope we get lots more of Daenerys wandering from town to town, and John wandering around the North, and Arya wandering all over Westeros and Bran wandering wherever the fuck he’s been wandering.
Oh no shit!! Pa was actually a bit of a douchebag.
Rereading the books as an adult, I am so frustrated with Pa. That “I’m-a-rambling-man-let’s-move-onto-Indian-land-I’m-not-going-to-put-the-dog-in-the-wagon-while-we-ford-this-river” nonsense is none too charming. As a kid, I saw everything from Laura’s point of view. Johnny cakes and torn pockets and fiddle parties.…
Oh jesus. Nice work, Half-Pint.