
The combat is clearly more Souls than SotN, so if that’s your thing I can certainly see the appeal. Personally I don’t understand the hype at all, but I’m glad it ticks all the boxes for so many other folks.

Same. I’ve tried all of the so-called Metroidvanias that people have praised and found all of them lacking compared to Castlevania. I think the Igavanias just hit the sweet spot of RPG-like depth without feeling like they weigh the game down. Hollow Knight was interesting looking but the slower combat threw off the

My experience thus far is that flying is fun but the combat is incredibly weak. They should have leaned harder into the mobility aspect and just made it an enemy lock-on system by default rather than trying to make a third-person shooter out of it. Aiming is too twitchy to make shooting while flying feasible, and

I’d say you can kill most of the enemies in the A scenario, yes - the lack of ammo in B has made running much more necessary. Overall, this game is as clever as the series has always been at making sure you have JUST the right amount of resources for the situation you're in. 

This fits in somewhere between the “go ahead and shoot everything” approach of RE4 and the “you better save those last 3 bullets for when you REALLY need them” approach in the older games. There’s some stuff you’ll HAVE to run from and a good amount of stuff you’ll WANT to run from, but the A scenario does a really

“Goichi “Suda51" Suda loves video games.”

I thought Tate’s cookies were awful, but then I don’t really live for a crispy cookie. Chips Ahoy dipped (ok, ok...submerged) in milk is my go-to for store-bought cookies, personally. 

Yeah, these are incredible. 

Nobody tell this guy about Cookie Crisp...

Yeah, this is clearly plagiarism but this story is arguably more valuable as a shining example of the banality of modern video games criticism.

I think it suffers from trying to stuff the plot into a whodunit murder mystery, when a stripped-down version of the story could have worked a lot better in a Silence of the Lambs-esque adversarial cat and mouse type narrative.

I’d actually be perfectly fine with Moore collecting these checks simply because his compensation has not even come close to accurately representing his contributions to the medium. He paid his dues to the extent that he could be forgiven for being a hypocrite on this issue if he so chose. From my perspective, at

Eh, I don’t really agree with that either. To me the artwork is a very conscious and brilliant choice to visually represent the themes of the story. It has a tactile feel that represents the setting in a way a lot of comics art doesn’t even attempt to aspire to. Granted, it’s also not much to look at for pure

In the interest of providing something of a counterpoint: From Hell is my absolute favorite Alan Moore work, and I think the art is perfectly suited in the way that it is dirty and squalid and dehumanizing, much like the era it is depicting. Though to be fair I’m 99% sure I read comics the “wrong” way, because I’m

I was pretty excited to pick this up for Switch, but after being so disappointed by Hollow Knight (I know, I know), I think I’m going to pass. I’ve come to realize that Souls/Rogue-likes and Metroidvanias are like oil and water for me personally.

I’m with you on this 100%. After hearing all the rave reviews I was eagerly anticipating the Switch release, and bought it as soon as it became available. I played for a couple of hours and just could not get into it at all - the world is dull, the platforming is unremarkable, and the combat feels so clunky to me

Would you be able to expand on that a bit? I’ve never played a GB game and was pretty excited for this one to hit the US, but I’m hearing a lot of disappointment from long-time fans and I’m curious why that may be as someone who isn’t personally familiar with the gameplay.

I don’t have this gun so I don’t know the specifics, but Coldheart starts out pretty weak with damage growing exponentially the longer you hold the beam on your opponent. Because of that, it’s actually quite easy to rushdown a Coldheart-wielding opponent with melee or bring them down with a weapon with a (relatively)

I can see your point, but since this a downloadable title priced at $4.99, I don't really think this game is an example of the issue you're referring to. Nevermind the fact that MGS: Peace Walker (on PSP), Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation, among others, are all examples of "console-quality

It is more than a little insane that ACIII is on here and Uncharted isn't, since Golden Abyss is both a better representative of the series that spawned it and a much better game in general.