
I was in the mood for a Silent Hill game recently, but I just picked up the much cheaper (and better, from what I've been hearing) Origins for PSP instead. I'll wait for the price to drop on this one.

I really REALLY hope some of those Bon Scott-era tracks are from "If You Want Blood..."

I really don't see how Harmonix can make a big stink about cross-compatible DLC and song importing from Rock Band 1 only to ruin it with an artist-exclusive disc.

Cheaper for the consumer to rent or borrow the first game and pay the 5 bucks to import the songs.

To be fair, Hot Shots on PSP is scary addictive.

I'm surprised they killed this game, seeing as how the first one was confirmed to be absolute garbage and yet still sold a gazillion copies.

Guitar Hero version sounds a little better, but the CD isn't all that bad. Then again, neither of them sound all that good.

Yeah Bobby, go ahead and blast the competition when you know damn well that they're the ones who made the franchise popular in the first place.

@Talleh: I'd say that Rock Band is the true extension of the Guitar Hero franchise, since Harmonix built it from the ground up and continue to introduce new concepts to it.

@XbhaskarX: Right, because 84 songs for 60 bucks isn't already a bargain.

I always thought this was kind of a pointless exclusion, so I'm not sad to see it go.

Just Rock Band for me, thanks.

Activision makes EA look respectable.

I don't hate Treyarch.

I wish I could find a copy of that Punisher/Nick Fury beat 'em up from way back in the day. I don't remember much of it, other than the fact that it was completely awesome.

Gotta wait till October, being a PS3 owner, but I'll definitely be the first in line.

Smashed the hell out of my index finger while moving the sewing bench (with lift-up seat for storage) that I was using as a drum stool for Rock Band. Picked it up by the top, sat back down on it, and quickly realized I had not gotten my hands out of the way.

I normally refuse to play with third party products, but that bass does look pretty sweet.

I'm pretty sure 86 disc songs can't compare to RB2's 84 disc songs + RB1's 55 transferable tracks + nearly a year of DLC.

What I wanna know is why the spokeperson for TAC guitars isn't playing one of them to set the world record.