Richard Targett

loL - Shes praying!

I worry for my rents alot these days thinking any day now it could be their last. Im not saddistic and waiting for ineheritance, it's just every other moment smoeones always telling me love them while you can while Im always regretting the way I am [not] treating them.

lol @ HIS AVATAR!!111oneone!!

Should have mailed them to me, I would have played them till they broke. Reminds me of the guy who bought one at GameStop at launch then smashed it in front of the crowd

REsident Evil was a remake. This is a remaster. Changing the fundamentals with first person ;0

that music was found on a pr0n site probablly. an 80's porn site

Took me a few months. But yes I bought something similar for mine, its a little edge up on the competition when playing Destiny. These things are a must

Looks like the bottom last one is from Toronto Home Show - saw last years, was hype

And the Playstation 4 [isn't] this powerful?

lol ^ ^ . anyone notice how awkward the sun glare is?

Define "children"

Follow the white rabbit...

how do you open battlepacks? where are they Im n00

Just when i traded my copy in...:(

the game or the korean government?

Thanks for heads up, whats a good game site that will help you keep track of games? Gamespot still wont let me log in with facebook... lol

wouldnt be surprised, rockstar i think once said they want to have future games where all citiesi are available.