

He didn’t write that on.e

It was also funny.

Honestly, the Angels should never have paid him in the first place. There should really be allowable contract language that if you have an extensive history with drug abuse, your contract can be voided if you fail a drug test.

“that he confessed to” is a key phrase there. If you’ve known any addicts, you know that “No, I promise, it was just this one time” is 100% horseshit.

Those mean ol’ Angels being furious that Hamilton can’t stop relapsing, over and over. It’s probably illegal to put in contract language that you can void someone’s contract for failing a drug test, but at the very least, I’m sure the Angels had a lot of talks with him before agreeing to pay him $125 million that he

The Flash is the best live action comic book show ever.

That guy who wants a medal for trying to outlaw passing the football is a monster.

The Hawks benched their starters in the last regular season game vs the Wiz and lost, so that’s 7 wins in 9 meaningful games.

Atlanta proved pretty decisively they were better than Washington, so, nah.

Usually, there’s context involved, like a guy is going to leave in free agency and so you need to get something for them. But at least when someone is traded for prospects, you know who those prospects are. Sometimes it is smart, maybe he’s aging and you think his best years are behind him. Sometimes it isn’t.

That’s horseshit. Dallas wasn’t beating Houston with or without Parsons, and the Clippers won 3 of the 4 games you mentioned in ass kicking fashion. Also, that same “diminished” Chris Paul was aces against the Spurs in game 7. Houston deserves to be here, as they showed last night.

I’m good without the image of Simon Birch doing the nasty, thanks

They’re purely built on LeBron James. Don’t worry, though, I’m sure one of the ten best players ever will drop in your lap. Happens all the time.

Is this PG they’re allegedly getting definitely going to be better than MCW?

I could not be happier that the Sixers were not rewarded for their bullshit. Here’s to another year of losing 60 games and delusional Philly fans thinking they’re the next OKC!

Like a fighter pilot! He’s basically Viper from Top Gun, only if Maverick was a rapist.

Should the police officers in Baltimore be paid more than the Ravens?

Gotcha, say no more. I didn’t realize you were the worst kind of sports fan, to whom all that matters are RINGZZZZ

We’ll see, won’t we?