
The Hawks had basically the same winning percentage against the east as they did as against The Almighty Western Conference Of Doom. Don’t sleep.

Here’s all the guys who played significant minutes for the Rockets this year:

That would be rare, plus what is the downside? The NBA loves dominant teams.

“ For any team without a realistic shot at a championship, it’s in their best interests to lose every night”

They’re the Seven Seconds or Less Suns, only they can win championships.

She committed a fucking crime! I have family members in AA, and although it is anonymous, that doesn't mean you can tell your sponsor you hit someone with a car and just wipe the slate clean.

Are we really not done with the narrative that the Spurs are plodding and boring? They’re the Nash Suns only better. Every bit as exciting to watch as Golden State most nights.

Case in point: you’d rather have been the Colts the last couple years than the Chiefs.

No worries, I’m just a giant nerd

Wolverine: You gonna tell me to stay away from your girl?

I suppose plausible and possible are different for me. It’s possible that Aaron Rodgers will be the next player to go into early retirement, but not very plausible.

Generally, I agree, but let me advocate for the devil (so to speak) a bit:

Get the hell out of here, people bring up Roethlisberger's rape allegations CONSTANTLY. Case in point: this very thread

Yeah, none of that is remotely plausible.

Why would NYG let Eli walk just to sign Rivers?

You are lying. Cyclops said that to Wolverine in the first X-Men movie.

Westbrook is 3rd at best. He’s played 14 games and nearly 700 fewer minutes than Harden. That matters. And then there’s the guy leading his team to a 67 win season.

Great move by Philly giving him away for a bag of basketballs. No room for him in the rotation prolly

That line about "Why is Morgan Freeman in this" confused me. Have you seem his last few years on imdb? He is most definitely not above being in Ted 2.

I believe it was Batman who once said if you want to solve a crime, look for “cui bono”. Who benefits?