
^Credit to AJ Walkin

If you want to get technical, there already was a college football playoff...a 2 team playoff. Now there's a 4 team playoff. It's not all that different. For all the heat the BCS (mostly justifiably) took, the actual #1 vs #2 national championship game was a gigantic improvement over the previous system. In 1994, Penn

Great stuff, but something else that can die in 2015 is the idea that the Thunder were punished for drafting well and "had to" trade James Harden. They didn't have to do shit. Clay Bennett paid $350 million for the Sonics 8 years ago and moved them to OKC so he could cry poor when it came time to pay the luxury tax?

I have, just now.

I have always felt that I could be a Bench Coach for an MLB team. What does that guy do? Something, I'm sure, but I bet I could pick it up over the course of one season.

You should never think that. I loved Boyhood and Birdman and Whiplash, and also X-Men and The Winter Soldier and Planet of the Apes and 22 Jump Street. Casablanca is my all time favorite, but I'd be just as likely to throw in Baseketball or Independence Day. Love what you love and make no apologies. Guilty pleasures

I think we get enough Black Widow. I love the way they are using her and Ruffalo's Hulk. Keep em wanting more.

Small kindnesses make the world go round. To her, that was an offhand conversation but it changed the course of his (and his future generations) life. That was one of the best bits in the movie to me.

It's not so much an agenda as it is ignoring the facts so they can push their narrative. You know, that thing ESPN does. Last guy to fall off a high horse like that was Christopher Reeve

Not that Steve Carell was bad or anything, he was suitably creepy and off-putting, but to my eyes he was easily 3rd best behind Tatum and Ruffalo. Odd that he's been getting the Oscar buzz, makes you wonder if there really is something to putting on a fake nose (see Kidman, Nicole).

It ends the argument over who had the better career. And who played with the most Hall of Famers.

Gretzky had the better career, Lemieux was greater. You can play all kinds of What If games and ultimately they amount to nothing because their careers were what they were, but it would have been nice to see the heights Mario could have hit had he not gotten, you know, cancer in the middle of his prime.

We dey.

JJ Watt had as good a defensive season as anyone can have. Ridiculously dominant. The Texans went 9-7 and missed the playoffs.

Basketball isn't baseball, you can't just give someone else a crappy player's at-bats and watch the lineup improve. None of those players are remotely capable of creating their own good shots or carrying an offense.

in fairness, SOMEBODY has to shoot, right? Who else should be taking these shots? Nick Young? Wesley Johnson? Jeremy Lin?

Ooh! Ooh! Somebody insufferable?

Stephen Glass must have written this piece.

By "any other quarterback", you mean "a black quarterback", right? Don't be afraid to call a spade a goddamn shovel

SEC iz bettur becuz SEC