doberman mom

i know much more about thundershirts than i do about athleisure

Oh Khan and Khan Jr. They were the best. Why did that show ever end!!!

“I, Peggy Hill, believe that Thanksgiving is one of the busiest travel times of the year.”

“I am a person. I have a person-ality. I take things person-ally, because I’m person-able. You can’t do those things when you’re not a person. And I am a person.”


It’s articles like this that make it hard for me to go outside.

Kanye West doesn’t care about women people.

“She’s really fucking busy” = “We didn’t even try because we can’t fucking afford her.”

If you go here they are listed. My favorite is Clever Title of the Year.
Winners include:

And this happened.

Hmmmm, this is very strange. The porn industry has traditionally put the safety and wellbeing of women above all else. It’s hard to think of another billion dollar + industry that cares more about women and girls, about consent, about objectification. I am really shocked. I know that it may be hard, but perhaps

If you find yourself looking up secret Netflix cheat codes, it’s time to reevaluate your life.