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    Am I the only one that thinks it looks like a Canon G9?

    @Slinkytech: BauEr. Jack deserves more respect than that.

    He's not wearing a turtleneck! :O

    @hawkeye18: As long as it's available in hot pink I don't think the kids will mind.

    @educatedmoron: Or find a cheap $2-3 filter and put it on that.

    @dennizvu: *And also notice Recycle Bin icon, lower right hand corner.

    @aletaziar: Windows XP system (notice taskbar) with an app icon wallpaper.

    VOTE: OmniPage 16

    I thought that there was a bubble like spot under the antenna that if you were located there you wouldn't have a good signal.

    @Hello Mister Walrus: Depends on the plastic. I can cover up my iPod screen with my driver's license and touch still registers.

    You're just dropping it the wrong way.

    @dcdttu: Silly troll, the black bottom of the original iPhone was made of plastic.

    @openfly: Because iOS is the name of the OS

    Um, I believe it's 'One Slide'

    @thatK1llZ: Yeah, I'm trying to find some new toggles like an airplane mode toggle since iPod touches have an airplane mode in the preferences.app now

    @NuevoLeon: The killswitch kills a malicious app on your device that was once approved in the app store but was then removed by Apple.

    @thatK1llZ: But my favorite theme from the ModMyi repo isn't :(

    @Tycho Vhargon: Seems to be the same with iPod touch MC models (specifically 32GB late '09)

    @Chewmieser: My iPod touch 32GB Late '09 didn't work after three tries but did on the fourth.. upon looking on the URL after each attempt the number changes but I have no clue what that does though.