I just want to play that game where you fishtail a dump truck into buildings to knock them down.
I just want to play that game where you fishtail a dump truck into buildings to knock them down.
The pegboard will be a hit with the battlestation/mechanical keyboard communities. As will the CPU stand.
I could do without the tacky “gamer/techno” pattern on the pegboard bands and the the standing desk legs. Otherwise I might consider the standing desk.
EDIT: Holy hell, nevermind on the pegboards. I just noticed the…
And why aren’t we being shown examples of the “thoughtful, yet organic” visuals instead of just having them described in vague terms like “thoughtful, yet organic”?
Another useless Kotaku article. No information about the game, what platform its on, what it looks like in game, nothing.
“Mid-’90s BMWs in general, but in particular the E39, which was a fat, dumpy soap bar that only gets any positive attention at all because people didn’t like the Bangle era and wanted to convince themselves that there was some sort of “last true BMW.”
God I hope not. Art is not some linear progression forwards towards some ideal state.
Few serious people have actually adapted this opinion with respect to the enormous quantity of WWII-era art, design, and poetry plagued by its odious connection to fascism. Not sure there is a need to start now.
All it needs is the ultimate symbol of a throwback. Gated manual transmission.
The naysayers ARE equating the new Countach to a war crime!
But why reinvent the wheel? Like you said, all modern Lamborghinis are already loosely-based on the design of the Countach; if anything, it comes full-circle by showing how much their designs have evolved over the years.
I never played the Genesis version until a few years ago, it was a fun game and the graphics are better than the SNES but the platforming and hit detection is worse, overall it’s not an easy choice, but I think the SNES version is more fun.
The SNES version of Aladdin is unquestionably the better game. Not surprising considering it was developed by Capcom (and Shinji Mikami). Anyone who think the Genesis version is better either hasn’t played the SNES game, or just looked at the visuals.
A factory of insanity, most likely.
Polygon. The website that allowed a article to be published about how loot boxes were not predatory in Overwatch and goes in a defensive rant for a odd number of paragraphs. Okay, that’s your opinion let me post a opinion on why I believe it is. Oh? We are deleting comments now?
Banning people for voicing their contradictory opinion on your site sounds very communist China to me.
They banned me because I was calling out their terrible reporting. Factually incorrect articles. Numerous grammatical errors in nearly every piecd. Just generally terrible reporting and I (at the time) expected more from them. Apparently they’re a fascist organization that cannot take any criticism, so they banned me.…
Moderating is by no means easy, but power tripping as a mod is not cool.
Polygon is a detestable trash fire of a site that seems to derive pleasure from the most vapid, materialistic and insufferable aspects of digital culture. (“everyone should own 3 tvs in the same room...derp derp”)