
cool, man

Yeah repeated by others after it was in a movie

You know that’s from a movie, right? Grease

Can we not include any pictures of these skins? 

Activists? That's a weird way to spell rioters 

Obligatory - I hope this comes out on XB/PS/Switch because I don’t play PC because this looks awesomely hilarious!

Played the hell out of Gladius back in the day! Can't wait to check it out again

A Suikoden Collection would be INCREDIBLE

So glad someone said this! Couldn’t agree more.

Show ID to vote = racist

Everyone please calm down. Snopes said it’s not true and they are the absolute beacon of truth!

Why walk when you can ride? 

I’d buy that for a dollar!

AO Tennis

Celeste soundtrack is incredible! Studying/working/skiing you name it, it fits! I listen to it all the time

Great call on the Real Racing Roots 2019! I listen to a ton of video game music and this one is definitely getting added to the rotation!

I can’t be the only one who read this and thought about Jade Empire. Right? 

Manual, huge trunk, fold down seats, good MPGs and will stay on the road forever

Looks like they’re all gone already?

Never in my life have I said this with more emphasis: