
Microsoft = Lots of power (both in terms of capital and in overall influence), but are apparently a bunch of idiots when it comes to announcing new gaming consoles.

This is why we brought Sam. He sends in a raven once a day to check in :-D.

No I can't. It's for the good of the realm. Even when I sleep I use Smartglass/Ghost to protect the realm.

Is this the same way they did the hair/beards in Arkham City? Because seriously, the hair in that game was fantastic.

No no. You CAN go offline, you've just sworn not to.

The polygon beard is still better than anything I can grow...

First thing that came to mind...

Nah, joel's just really bad at shaving. He needs to cover those knicks somehow

Post it notes . . . Post it notes EVERYWHERE.

Good news! Microsoft has included even more features!

Ya know nufin', Jon Snuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Sooo perfect!

Here's one I made for Xbox One

He's also obviously the one who will claim the Iron Throne in the end.

3DS = Tyrion. Pint-sized, badass, and usually drunk.

Wrong. I can't simply go offline... If I do the white walkers, wights, wildlings and grumpkins will climb the wall. I'm always watching, like Kinect. And now my watch begins.